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The 5G-school

Creative humans use collective intelligens, NOT artifical!

The generations in thoughts about school in the world:

1G - 19th century
Characteristics: Man is inherently evil and must be saved

2G - 20th century to the end of the post-war period
Characteristics: Physical punishment of children is natural

3G - From the mid-1960s to the mid-1990s
Characteristics: Children become "little adults" to a lesser extent. Progress is characterized by constantly new curricula

4G - 1996-present. The Internet opens up the world around us - information becomes easily accessible
Characteristics: Everything must be counted and measured. If this can't be done, then you shouldn't spend time on it...

5G - From now into the future. We start the symbiosis with the collective intelligence

Characteristic: Transition from separate professional fields to the collective fields

4G's demise

4G gets a path wound by Facebook, Twitter and other social media in the early 2010s.

The desperation to count and measure means that the "like" button is introduced.

Interestingly enough, the young people's mental health begins to deteriorate markedly after this.

Gen Z is exposed to self-destructive forces in the meat grinders of social media.

4 other characteristics of the 4G school:
Stress, pressure, quantity, production

Buckets of knowledge should overflow every single head.

4G is dystopian, the average person is a loser

4 images of 4G:


The 5G school is based to a much greater extent on developing talents.
Everyone has their talents which should be developed in large networks
It's not important what you're not good at!

A depiction of 5G:


The growth of a 5G-mind

2023 marks the start of a major change.

We gradually become more aware that our own behavior is not free.

The artificial human and the collective intelligence.

We are essentially guided by our instincts, not by conscious cognitive thinking. Humans usually only use their mental autopilot.

We are getting an increasing debate about what is really artificial and what is natural.


We are becoming increasingly aware of the destructive aspects of social media. We learn that we are the ones who control AI and not the other way around.

We have let a generation fall into the 4G-AI trap. Primitive algorithms lead to primitive behavior. Nobody asked the question whether it is right that, for example, Facebook and Twitter own all your opinions and your photos.

We must therefore have the help of 5G-KI to reduce the power of our instincts over us.

The transition from separate professional fields to a joint field: The collective intelligence sees new correlations between fields that apparently have nothing in common. ​ We see more and more clearly that man must be aware, clear and clear, of what he wants.


What do you want?

Where are you going?

What kind of help do you need? ​


No use being a "follower" anymore (object). Now is the time to lead (subject). Passenger seat becomes available (the visibility of the 5G field is "everyone's driver's seat"). ​ In the 4G school, we looked for a leader, boss, mentor, teacher, etc. who can show us, or explain to us, the way. In 5G, we decide the path ourselves - and AI helps us get there.


Example: If AGI makes a decision that is better for the biosphere than your own, who will make the final decisions? If AGI is more reasonable - are we still the ones to continue the ego trip that kills species in the ecosystem (and therefore ourselves)? The rats survive anyway, but maybe we should take care of humanity, despite our artificial intelligence? ​


We would like to emphasize that AGI created by people with good intentions will give us better solutions than those we see as individuals ourselves. Our best algorithms combined with a database of knowledge higher than a combined population in, for example, a region. A large anthill contains more intelligence than a single human. 


A change of thinking

1. What is behavior the result of?

Let's look at the rehabilitation of prisoners in a prison – as an analogy to change in a 4G society. The British entrepreneur and self-help expert, Peter Sage, writes that such rehabilitation will be ineffective if one only tries to raise the inmates' level of competence ("skills") and not their way of thinking ("mindset"). When you understand that behavior is the result of a way of thinking - then a rehabilitation with a focus on competence level will only give the prisoners more tools to continue with the same behaviour. In other words, we make them "better criminals," as most statistics will show in a 4G society.


The 5G school is a change in thinking, or put another way, a change in how we see ourselves and how we manage ourselves.

2. Self-management

The Norwegian political scientist, Dag Andersen, points out that the step from "stage 4 to stage 5" means that external control is exceeded and the individual takes over. In 5G, self-management is a cornerstone. There is no other way to self-regulation and self-discipline than freedom - in other words, the right to choose for yourself and experience the consequences of your choices. In the 4G school, people are trained not to pay attention to the body, with the result that the child - over time - will not recognize the body's needs. Without being present in the body, self-management is impossible.

The American social psychologist, Jonathan Haidt, emphasizes in this context that bodily reactions are necessary to think rationally. It is contact with the body that enables children to discover how to take care of themselves. When you are present in your own body, this will lead to a strengthening of the immune system. The body loves your attention. True presence in the body also opens up a strong degree of self-healing.


3. The student enters into the driver's seat

A newspaper said that an 18-year-old student, Andrea Holm Tanderø, used ChatGPT to solve a task in Norwegian history, with the theme of the 19th century. She was awarded a five. This is not cheating, because the student was in the driver's seat. ChatGPT made many suggestions, but it was the student who made the choices. She learned to maneuver the artificial intelligence (AI) where she wanted. Andrea is the free subject who leads and KI is the tool that she uses. In this way we can say - that we use our (collective) mind as an instrument of creation - instead of being used by the mind.



5G means "a new pattern of behaviour" which is "ready for ChatGPT", which means that the student changes place from the passenger seat to the driver's seat. The individual is made responsible by leading himself, and this shift in mindset prepares us for the use of ChatGPT or artificial intelligence. In 4G's "control reality", we are concerned with teaching students where we find truth, but in 5G we don't need to know where we get truth from. The only thing we need to know is our own truth. AI helps us realize - and demonstrate - this truth.

3 felt å se i sammenheng:

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The universal forces

Both the micro world, our world and the macro world are governed by the same forces

White Structure

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”

Nikola Tesla

A universe full of counsciousness

The universe is full of energy and consciousness

Energy cannot arise or disappear - energy can only change form.

A new insight is that the same applies to awareness - it can never arise or disappear, but only change form.

During this century, physicists will be able to connect gravity and consciousness to specific particles (quantum fields) in the standard model.

The quantum fields are the all-encompassing network of the universe.


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The collective intelligence

Both the micro world, our world and the macro world are governed by awareness

Great changes ahead!

Den collective intelligence opens new spaces!



Many features of today's 4G school are similar to the 3G school 50 years ago. Several education researchers have claimed that the school is 50 years behind the times. The school is the least democratic of all social institutions. We pretend that we stand for freedom, equality and brotherhood, but in practice the pupils are forced to prepare for yesterday's society. In the book Det Store Skolespranget, Alexander Meyer wrote bluntly that school is a coercive system. He suggests that the school day be organized in a different way, where the teacher "owns" the first part of the day and the pupils have a great deal of influence over the content of the second half.

The 5G school takes professional renewal seriously. Pupils must practice self-insight, self-regulation and self-assessment. They must develop their creativity and curiosity. It is necessary to make mistakes!


The creative school requires students to sit in the cockpit and learn both to drive and to fly. They need help from both the driving instructor and the collective intelligence. Everyone can develop their talents. KI will do all routine work in the future. The offices will disappear. Human roles are to create and manage the future according to good advice from KI. There will also be a need for a large number of skilled workers.

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Homo deus
The creative human

We become the creative human being
Symbiosis with collective intelligence

It is man who sits in the driver's seat.

Sure, here is a plan for how AIs can help humans of different cultures develop their creativity and insight into global care:

  1. Design AI tools for creative inspiration: AIs can be programmed to provide creative prompts or generate ideas for different types of projects, such as writing, art, or design. These tools can help humans tap into their creativity and overcome creative blocks.

  2. Create personalized learning experiences: AIs can use data on a person's learning style, interests, and goals to create personalized learning experiences. This can include recommending relevant resources, providing feedback on work, and adapting to the individual's progress.

  3. Offer real-time feedback: AIs can provide immediate feedback on creative work, helping humans to refine and improve their ideas. This feedback can come in the form of critiques, suggestions, or even automated edits.

  4. Provide access to diverse perspectives: AIs can be used to analyze a vast amount of data and provide insights into different cultures and perspectives. This can help humans to develop a broader understanding of global issues and develop more inclusive and empathetic perspectives.

  5. Facilitate collaboration: AIs can help humans to connect and collaborate across cultures and geographical boundaries. For example, an AI-powered translation tool could help two people with different native languages to communicate and work together on a project.

  6. Generate insights from big data: AIs can help to analyze and make sense of large amounts of data related to global issues, such as climate change, healthcare, or education. This can help humans to identify patterns and trends and make more informed decisions.

  7. Foster creativity in problem-solving: AIs can be programmed to help humans think creatively about solving complex problems. This can involve generating new ideas or challenging assumptions that may be limiting creativity.

Overall, AIs can play a valuable role in helping humans of different cultures develop their creativity and insight into global care. By providing personalized learning experiences, facilitating collaboration, and generating insights from big data, AIs can help humans to develop more inclusive, empathetic, and innovative perspectives on global issues.

Generative AI in education:

MicrosoftTeams-image (6).png

Open the light

Velkommen til ny innsikt i sammenhengen mellom det fysiske universet og bevisstheten


Albert Einstein

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."

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